Teff is a freaking small brown grain that feels like sand.
Teff flour can be used as a substitute for part of the flour in baking, or you can substitute it for part of the seeds, nuts, or other small grains in breads etc.
Teff may be added to soups or stews either half an hour before serving to thicken or ten minutes before for texture.
Teff needs to cook for 15-20 minutes in a 1:4 ratio with water until the grains are soft and no longer sandy. You'll want to add salt and spices for flavour and top with the usual, butter, nuts, maple, fruit- like a banana, baked or microwaved. You don't need to stir it much- once or twice.
You can also cook Teff up with soy milk or rooibos tea and add in dried fruit, nuts and spices as it cooks.
I made teffburgers once but I did find they were a little bland on their own and they fell apart easily. I would recommend adding an egg and some spices, or blending them with something else.
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